Sunday, 15 March 2015

My Apologies

Well well well...

It appears that I have neglected my blog for quite a while.
I do humbly apologize for those people in my life who has been tickling me about getting back writing. I know some people read my blog but I didn't realize that they were looking forward for a new entry. My goal to create this blog was to record my thoughts. I was a diary writer during my growing up days. And blog just seems to be the right platform. My initial (and still is) goal is not to raked as many readers and followers but simply to share and connect. So again thank you for enjoying and taking lessons from my blog entries. Thank you for urging me to write again. And... please forgive me for neglecting it for so long.

Let me fill you in of what happen since my January post.
- I have passed the CPNS Tests (Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil // Government officials Recruitments Tests) to be the lecturer of English at my almamater, FKIP Bahasa Inggris (English Department of Faculty of Teacher's Training) of Pattimura University. My documents are currently being process to attain my Official Registry Numbers etc. So... yeah... prior to that my days were filled with complying to the process of certification, documents gathering and the likes.

- Our Language Center, Marlene's Language Center is thriving. we got an overwhelming request and applications of new students that we had to turned some of them down. Meanwhile a more pressing priorities are for us to perfected our management system, preparing facilities and at the same time maintaining the level of quality we set.

- We still helped out as part-time lecturers of English at Accounting Department at our local Politechnics. 

- Our Little Girl Tania, the most important and the center of our life, is now a starter reader. She can read 3 or 4 letters words and I have spotted some reading challenges that I can help her with, such as the different pronunciation of 'i' and 'c' when it is combined with different letters in a word. I shall write a separate updates for that. Meanwhile we have begun to think and to consider several Pre-School for her.

Other than that, it is mainly to spend and create quality time with Tania and Simon, my better half. In this retrospects. I do not regret letting go the opportunities for workshops, seminars, gatherings etc etc... these quality times we spent are most important.

I thank God that I have the privilege of choice of being able to choose to give up some work opportunities to stay and make time with my daughter and husband. I reserve no judgement of my other fellow mothers who had to work and do not my have my privilege. Seriously, there are no correct parenting and marriage method. Each one of us need to see what works. What works for me might not work entirely for others and vice versa. We simply need to take the best learning curve and apply and evaluate and come up with our own style. what matters is that our husband and child(ren) knows how much we love them. That we do not forget to tell them that. That we do not forget to give them a few seconds of loving hugs. That we give 5 minutes of our time to simple listen to them and give them a loving touch.

All in all everyone! Make moments to remember... that doesn't have to cost a lot of money. Chances are it's free. As free as a smile, a hug .-
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