Sunday, 30 September 2012

Sussex University... At Last!!!

 Wow! It took me this long to start blogging about this new adventure and opportunities of mine.
But as people said.. Better late than Never...!!!

So here, I am... bundle up under the blanket... 12 days after my arrival in Brighton, UK to pursue my MA in English Language Teaching at Sussex University Under Chevening Scholarship 2012/2013. The weather is fine outside. Typical UK Autumn weather, cloudy and wet. My room is a bit of a mess after a full-on 'international get-together' weekend. Hehehehe... Ok, so below is the summary of my arrival in UK.

First, of all... this not my first time in UK, or to Brighton or to Sussex University. This is a bit like coming home for me. My husband, Simon Matakupan, is the 2009/2010 Chevening Scholar himself.

He studied at Sussex University and I was here with him during his study. More than that, we have the joy of welcoming our first born baby girl on a crisp early autumn day at the Royal Sussex Hospital. We named her Britannia Autumn.

We are blessed to have met a wonderful British Couple who were our Landlords and Landlady. They have showed us the true British spirit and more than that have welcomed and embrace us as their family for the whole year of our stay.

Now as I returned for my MA... they gladly welcomed me and us back. So I am again living with my British mother and father, Mr Rusty and Mrs. Jan Curry. They do not rent out their rooms actually. It is for family and friends. We are fortunate to be included in that circle... More story about this will be featured here.

My courses have started and I thoroughly enjoyed the classes. The reading materials can be overwhelming but they were exhilarating. I put names (theories and terms) to things that I do with my students. I read about new ideas, discover new approach to Language Teaching and Learning. My Lecturers are awesome. They bring 'life' to the subject they taught. I am absolutely thrilled with my classmates... We are such an eclectic bunch... much like myself.  We have embarked on a great platform of an awesome international friendship... Food is the glue... hahahah... no that's just a joke.. but I am convince that this is the start of a beautiful friendship.

Beside my Classmates Group, I am fortunate to be blessed with being the part of a distinguish... yet fun and amazing group of Chevening Scholar 2012/2013 who studied in Sussex University too.

So... Despite this cloudy wet windy and cold UK Autumn that greeted me... I am sure this will be an amazing adventure in pursuing our study and a start of a warm international friendship.

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