Monday, 4 January 2016

First Work week of the year

This is a first for me. This year I am officially joining the band of government official, ‘the serious and the seriously working’ as a friend once label it. It’s not a bad thing really. But after years of freelance and self-initiated work not to mention countless networking works, 8 to 5 – 5 days a week job is a bit of a prison sentence. This is especially if you are me and boredom is only a breath away.
Now, this grants my start of the year with a bit of an undertone. I must admit it is rather scary to think I will have to be at work, rain or shine throughout the year. However, the work I am currently doing is nonetheless my passion and fortunately there are more than enough wriggle room for creativity and innovation on my part.
I am an English Lecturer (in other word a glorified English Teacher).  I am proud to a teacher. This is the path where I am directly in touched with the life of my students where my words and actions help set their foot to the course of their purpose driven life.
So as the dawn of the first of working week of this year come upon us… I raise my hot tea cup to toast the start of a new adventure. Here’s to days of grading, planning, executing, assessing, laughing, crying, sleeping, eating and witnessing the process of learning (and teaching)

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